As most of my political expression this past year moved to Facebook and Twitter, the (too infrequent) posts on this blog were often about milestones in the lives of family members and friends. I do appreciate the opportunity this space affords to both welcome and say goodbye.
I have been remiss, however, in issuing one welcome. And, it seems that celebrating a new life would be a fine topic for this final post of 2011.
Lena, pictured above, was born November 26 at 10:19 a.m., weighing in at seven pounds, two ounces. She is the daughter of my old NYU friends, Tim and Melissa, and a sister for Ann.
Like yours truly, these "Firework Babies" will often find themselves "between the 'Burgh and the City" as their mom grew up in Bethel Park, PA, and their maternal grandparents still live there.
In mid-January, I will have the honor of serving as Lena's Godfather. She will be my fourth Goddaughter (joining Georgianna, Nora and Lucy). United by prayer despite being half a world away, Waldie will be serving as Lena's Godmother. Just a few days ago, Waldie and her husband, Chris, arrived in Tanzania in East Africa. They will live and work there for three-plus years as Maryknoll Lay Missioners.
Welcome to the party, Lena! May God abundantly bless you with many, many wonderful New Years.