Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Happy New Year!

It's 2013.  How the hell did that happen?  The years go by in such a blur.

But, God-willing, 2013 should be memorable.  The steady and I are planning a wedding for June in Gotham.

The Los Angeles-based author and blogger Heather King writes beautifully about the passage of time, holidays and the liturgical feasts.  In a post last week, she provided this food for thought:

" ... Just as an alcoholic spends ten, twenty, thirty years trying to re-create the transcendent sense of well-being that comes with that first drunk, some of us spend our whole lives hoping Christmas will feel, just once, the way it did when we were kids. It never happens. That's okay ...

" ... Christmas never feels the same, and yet we're still sad when it's over -- or I am."