Others have already said this in recent days but it bears repeating:
For the sake of "history," we do not need statues of Confederate generals who fought for the right
of some people to own and sell other people.
That's why we have books and films and audio recordings.
We don't have statues of Hitler in the United States of America. We don't have statues of
Emporer Hirohito in the United States. We don't have statues of Kaiser Wilhem II
in the United States. We don't have statues of King George III in the United States. All of these men once waged war again our country. And none of them have been forgotten to history.
But, history does demand this: remembering that Robert E. Lee and every other Confederate general and
soldier waged war against the United States for the right of
some people to own and sell other people.
These men were defeated by the Union Army. They were enemies of the United States. They were fighting for an evil cause.
And anyone who defends or seeks to honor them today is on the wrong side of history.
P.S. If you call yourself "pro-life" or "pro-family," and you defend the men
who fought for slavery, you're neither pro-life nor pro-family.