Friday, September 29, 2006
A Good Evening with the Washington County Association of Township Officials
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Honoring Sam

I've known Sam since my days as a staff writer at the Observer-Reporter in the late 1990s when Canonsburg was part of my beat. In addition to writing a front-page profile of Sam, I covered his advocacy work on behalf of the last residents of Western Center, and his organizing for one-time U.S. Senate candidate Tom Foley.
Sam was honored Saturday for 70 years of activism (beginning at age 15) , most notably for his service to the labor movement -- from the coal mines of Westmoreland County to the steel mills of Canonsburg. The dinner's organizing committee knew Sam already had more than enough plaques so they instead presented him with the imported Italian hat he's pictured in above.
An aside: Sam's granddaughter, April Starinsky, recently became a news producer at a television station in Orlando, Florida. An Avella-area native, April previously worked at the NBC television stations in Pittsburgh and Steubenville. I know April from our days in the O-R's Young Observers program when we were in high school.
Scenes from the Campaign Trail
Yours truly with former Pennsylvania Governor Mark Schweiker at a breakfast fundraiser held Friday morning to benefit Friends of Mike Turzai.
On Saturday, it was a pleasure to participate in McDonald's annual Emancipation Day Parade and Festival. I am pictured here prior to the parade with members of the youth group from Irons Memorial Presbyterian Church in McDonald. The young man to my right is my cousin, Jimmy Hainaut. That's the youth group's "Jonah & The Whale" float behind us.
Pictured above is Emily "Emmy" Brooks of McClain Farms Road in Chartiers Township. Emmy is doing some advertising for the campaign inside the petting zoo at the Cecil Township Fall Festival. Emmy is the granddaughter of Bonnie West, a resident of Georgetown Estates in Lawrence, a neighborhood of Cecil Township. Earlier this year, Bonnie became chairwoman of the Washington County Republican Party. THANK YOU to Bonnie and Emmy for their support!
Crime Watch
THANK YOU to Burgettstown resident Carla Rosenberger for organizing this meeting and for her future work in making this program a reality. If I am elected to the PA House on November 7, I would seek to be a supporter of local crime watch programs -- perhaps by providing some organizational leadership and by helping to secure grants if funding becomes necessary.
As a McDonald Borough Councilman, I have learned firsthand how challenging it can be for small towns to provide for public safety. In McDonald, approximately 50 percent of our annual budget (of about $600,000) is dedicated to the police department. If I am elected on November 7, I would be an advocate for state programs that help local communities improve their public safety operations and emergency services.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Mark Your Calendars
Please mark you calendars for these other upcoming campaign events:
-- The League of Women Voters of Washington County will hold its 46th District candidates forum the evening of Wednesday, October 4, in the auditorium of Burgettstown High School.
-- The 46th District Candidates Debate moderated by Jim Jefferson of WJPA Radio will be held at 7 p.m., Thursday, October 12, at the Chartiers Township Building. (Craig Howell recently penned a follow-up article in the PA Focus on this debate.)
-- The Burgettstown Area Republican Committee (BARC) is hosting a "Meet the Candidates" Open House from 4 to 7 p.m., Saturday, October 21, at George's Restaurant on Main Street in Burgettstown. All are invited to attend!
Meet the Candidate at Shorty's in Wolfdale
Our event will be held in the community room at the "new" Shorty's. This location replaced the former Shorty's at the Washington Mall. I'm proud to patronize this well-known local franchise, which includes its flagship restaurant on Chestnut Street in Downtown Washington.
Shorty's famous hot dogs and fries with gravy will be on the menu! Please join us!
To RSVP, contact Snatchko Campaign Manager Tom Baker at (412) 608-8842 or
Steelers and Snatchko

Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Words of Thanks
A special thank-you to tavern owner Mike Kramer for his longtime support of my candidacy; and to Jason Dhans of Knuckleheads Pizza (located across Dickson Street from Kramer's) for his help in promoting the event and making the arrangements for all the food. Kudos to entrepreneurs like Mike and Jason who open vibrant small businesses in their hometowns.
A belated thank you to Ernie McCullough, Kathryn Zamboky, Lisa Maust, Eric Maust and Steve Cady for staffing our booth this past weekend at the Pennsylvania Bavarian Oktoberfest in Canonsburg! The weekend was a busy one for festivals and community events so I am extremely grateful to these volunteers for maintaining our presence at Oktoberfest as I crisscrossed the district.
The other major festival this past weekend was the 2006 Covered Bridge Festival, held at several locations throughout Washington and Greene counties. There were three sites in the 46th District: the Hanover McClurg Bridge near the Village of Florence in Hanover Township Park; the Pine Bank Bridge at the Meadowcroft Rockshelter & Museum of Rural Life in Jefferson Township near the Village of Avella (which is located Independence Township); and the Krepps Bridge in Mt. Pleasant Township near the Village of Cherry Valley (which is in Smith Township).
The festival at the Krepps Bridge was organized this year by the good people from the Hickory United Presbyterian Church (after some years absence). The funds raised there will be used to help pay the costs of the large new addition to the church on Route 50. Thank You to the members of the church for bringing back the festival at Krepps Bridge!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Cheering for the Black & Gold in Midway
Our next campaign event will be the "Snatchko for State House Monday Night Football Party" this coming Monday, September 18, at Kramer's Tavern at 219 Dickson Street in Midway. Everyone is invited to join us as we cheer on the Steelers as they play away at Jacksonville. The party starts at 8 p.m. in Kramer's side room. Pizza and hoagies to be served! Game time is 8:30 p.m.
If plan to join us to support the Black & Gold, please RSVP to Tom Baker at (412) 608-8842 or
And, mark you calendars: the following Monday evening, September 25, we'll be hosting a "Meet the Candidate" night at Shorty's Lunch on Jefferson Avenue (Rt. 844) in the Wolfdale neighborhood of Canton Township.
Working with The Chamber

Today's breakfast speaker was from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. All of Western Pennsylvania falls into the Fed's 4th District, which is headquartered in Cleveland -- but they do have more than 300 people working out of an office in Pittsburgh. According to the speaker, all U.S. Savings Bonds nation-wide are now processed through the Pittsburgh office.
Cheers from Byron
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Good letter in the O-R today from a registered voter in the 46th
More debates
Jesse White is totally wrong with his reasoning regarding the legislative debates with Paul Snatchko. They should be held at least three or four times because not everyone has cable television. I also suggest a live debate over the radio which makes a lot more common sense.
Charlotte McCreanor
WJPA on Debates
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Cecil Township supervisors still are tweaking an ordinance that would allow Horizon Properties to construct a different type of planned residential development within Southpointe II.
Supervisors granted Horizon Properties a 90-day extension on its master plan for a "traditional neighborhood design" residential development adjacent to one of the largest mixed-used business and residential parks in Pennsylvania.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Caroline Shannon also has an article in today's Observer-Reporter about the vote.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Join Us at Weatherbury Farm - This Thursday

This is the latest of the "coffees" we are holding in the run up to Election Day on November 7. Coffees are informal gatherings where voters can hear from me about the campaign and ask questions. THANK YOU to Art & Peggy Martin for hosting a coffee last week at their home in Cecil Township.
Weatherbury Farm is a working beef cattle and sheep farm located at 1061 Sugar Run Road outside of Avella. It also serves as a bed-and-breakfast vacation spot. It's operated by Dale, Marcy and Nigel Tudor.
There's no cost to attend the event. The coffee will be held in the breakfast hall and patio of a barn behind the farmhouse. (It's a barn moved by the Tudors to Weatherbury Farm from its original location in Canton Township.)
Also, mark your calendars: the Snatchko for State House Monday Night Football Party will be held Monday, September 18, at Kramer's Tavern at 219 Dickson Street in Midway. The Steelers are playing at Jacksonville that night.
The following Monday evening, September 25, we'll be hosting a "Meet the Candidate" night at Shorty's Lunch on Jefferson Avenue (Rt. 844) in the Wolfdale neighborhood of Canton Township.
For more details or to RSVP for these events, please contact Tom Baker at (412) 608-8842 or
Gladly Participate
Friday, September 08, 2006
Setting A Date to Debate
While we would have preferred my opponent accept my offer to participate in five debates held at locations throughout the sprawling 46th District, we are pleased he has agreed to at least one extra debate in addition to the traditional candidates forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Washington County.
In our letter to my opponent, we suggested that our two campaigns jointly seek community organizations to sponsor the forums. Instead, my opponent's campaign chose to select a date, time, location, format and moderator without prior consultation with my campaign manager.

Stay tuned for an announcement from the League of Women Voters as to the date and location of their forum between the candidates running in the 46th District.
Master Plan
Promoting Commerce
-- Reforms being considered by Congress that may make health insurance more affordable for small-business owners and those who are self-employed;
-- Marketing efforts of the PAACC, the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission and the Tri-County Airport Partnership to promote the Pittsburgh region as a good place to locate major corporations and medium-sized and small businesses;
-- The designation of the Parkway West / Rt. 279 / Rt. 60 as Interstate 376;
-- Better working relationships and shared services between local municipalities; and
-- Ways for both non-profit agencies and for-profit businesses to work with the Allegheny County Department of Human Services.
One of the new venues for job creation in the 46th District is the Starpointe commercial/industrial development outside of Burgettstown. If elected, I would push hard for speedy completion of the infrastructure (notably sewers) needed to make the development a permanent reality.
Barbara Miller has an article in today's O-R about the construction of a "flex building" at Starpointe.
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Jaymie's photo (above right; published in the PA Focus) was taken at the recent meeting held in the McDonald Council chambers where local residents, including many young people, came to give their input into the design and look of the skate park. I was pleased to have the opportunity to attend the meeting, which was sponsored by the borough's Parks & Recreation Board.
A subcommittee of the Parks & Recreation Board called the Skate McDonald Advisory Committee (SMAC) will lead the efforts to raise community involvement and grant funding for the project.
THANK YOU to Parks & Recreation Board Chairman Tom Rockwell and my fellow member of borough council, Patty Phillips, for getting this initiative off the ground!
Explaining Their Vote
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Progress on the Millers Run Project
Edward T. Sitarik Contracting and A. Merante Contracting are scheduled to begin on the sewer lines along Route 50 and interceptor by mid-September. Work on the pump station and treatment plant should begin by late September or early October, Bell said.
The Democratic candidate for the open 46th District legislative seat said he will debate his Republican opponent, but not five times.
Jesse White sent a letter Tuesday to the campaign manager of Republican Paul Snatchko, suggesting one "grand debate" in addition to a forum being organized by the League of Women Voters of Washington County. Snatchko last week challenged White to a series of five debates so that residents throughout the sprawling district could easily attend ...
Snatchko said Tuesday that he had not yet received the letter, which was faxed to a reporter, but that he thought the date would work. "I'm glad he's accepted this much," Snatchko said.
He said, however, that White's proposal for one debate and the LWV forum is "denying the ability of the people from the edges of the district to hear us talk about the issues at a location close to them."
... While political debates are often not well-attended, Snatchko said, "This year is different. This year I've actually had people ask me for this."
A new legislator will be elected for the first time in 26 years in the district after incumbent Democrat Victor Lescovitz decided to not seek re-election.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Honoring Labor
THANK YOU to the members of Local No. 66 of the International Union of Operating Engineers who extended me an invitation to march with them in the parade. Local No. 66 was supportive of my 2004 State House campaign and this year sent a foursome to my golf outing. I'm honored to have their consideration of my candidacy.
Growing up, I learned about unions and their important role in the workplace and our economy from my late grandfather, John Hoag, who was a union steelworker for some 37 years at the J&L (and later LTV) tin mill in Aliquippa.
When I was a senior in high school considering where to attend college, it was my grandparents, John and Dolores Hoag, who made it possible for me to make the more costly pick of New York University. If I am elected to serve the people of the 46th District on November 7, I won't forget how one man's union job helped me to achieve my goals in life.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Meet the Candidate in Cecil Township
“Meet the Candidate” Night
Paul Snatchko
46th Legislative District
Washington, Allegheny & Beaver Counties
Wednesday, September 6, 2006, 6 to 8 p.m.
at the home of
Art & Peggy Martin
179 Vista Drive, Canonsburg, PA 15317
(Vista Drive is the main street of Pristine Fields, a neighborhood in
Free Will Contributions Accepted. Contributions can be made on-line via PayPal by visiting the “Contribute” section of
Contributions also may be mailed to:
302 West Lincoln Ave., #4, McDonald, PA 15057
Other Upcoming Snatchko Campaign Events:
Thursday, September 14 – Meet the Candidate Night
Monday, September 18 – Monday Night Football Party
Monday, September 25 – Meet the Candidate Night
Paid for and authorized by the Paul Snatchko Campaign Committee.
As the race heats up...
Saturday, September 02, 2006
But we also have many good people in public life.
It's been reassuring in the last few days to hear positive things said about Mayor Bob O'Connor, who Friday night died of cancer -- after less than nine months of holding the position he sought in three elections. It's reassuring to hear citizens praise a man who was certainly a "politician" -- a term I doubt Mayor O'Connor was afraid to embrace.
While some have given the word "politician" a negative connotation, there should be no shame in being active in politics and seeking elective office. This is, after all, what makes our democratic republic work -- tireless candidates in contested elections in which the issues of the day are brought forward.
It's especially good, I think, to hear people speak of Mayor O'Connor's genuinely friendly nature and his willingness to shake any hand. If this sense of optimism, kindness and camaraderie can lead anyone to be described as the "Quintessential Pittsburgher," perhaps it is the late mayor.
In the days ahead, I suspect we will hear many "the day I met Bob O'Connor" stories. Here's mine:
I had the opportunity to meet Bob O'Connor twice in the past year -- at the 2006 Mel Blount Youth Home Dinner when he was seated at the table next to ours; and in a random encounter last October in Squirrel Hill.
In October 2005, I was working on the campaign of Roger Wise for Allegheny County Judge. That particular day, I was either dropping off or picking up some promotional items at the headquarters of Bob O'Connor's GOP opponent for Pittsburgh mayor, Joe Weinroth. Returning to my car parked down the street the Weinroth HQ, I saw a casually-dressed Bob O'Connor walking down the street with some others. I greeted him and handed him one of Roger's bright yellow "Wise for Judge" jar openers (just a plastic gripper, really). He greeted me with a smile and accepted the jar opener, agreeing with the appeal of the items to voters.
"People love these," he said, wishing me good luck and continuing on his way.