Sunday, March 14, 2010

'Twas Grace

This morning, I went to the 10 a.m. Mass at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle on the West Side. For a second week, special prayers were said over the man for whom I will be serving as a Godfather and sponsor at the Easter Vigil.

At this Mass, the Gospel passage proclaimed was the account of "the man born blind" from John Chapter 9. (There were two options for this Fourth Sunday of Lent.)

For thoughts on today's readings, visit A Concord Pastor, Deacon Greg, Fran and The Anchoress.

The recessional hymn at the end of the liturgy was "Amazing Grace." It was the perfect selection, containing echoes from the both "the man born blind" and the father of the prodigal son (heard in the other Gospel passage that may be proclaimed today).

Here is an offering of "Amazing Grace" that I love:


Mariette said...

Amazing Grace was the recessional at St. A's today as well. It always reminds me of the movie of the same name that I went to see with Nick and Anthony a few years ago, the hymn actually being involved in the story.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Lovely hymn.

God bless.