Sunday, November 14, 2010

Subterranean Jazz

Regular readers of this quiet corner of the blogosphere know that I reside in New York City's Little Italy, which is located in lower Manhattan.

My steady lives in Hudson Heights, a charming hilltop neighborhood adjacent to Washington Heights. It's at the northern end of Manhattan (and also home to the St. Frances Xavier Cabrini Shrine).

So, for the past several months, we've logged more than few hours riding Gotham's A Train ("Eighth Avenue Express") north and south to reach our respective pads.

A talented Pittsburger named Billy Strayhorn (1915-1967) composed a famous tune about this subterranean marvel called "Take the A Train."

Below are three versions of that jazz standard for this week's "YouTube clip for a peaceful weekend."



Fran said...

I am struck by so many things I love in this post -

Duke and Ella.
Billy Strayhorn.
The A train.
Hudson Heights. (*sigh* feels deep longing)
Mother Cabrini.
The Cloisters. (Well you don't mention them, but they are right there.)
And you!

Lovely post Paul. So glad that you are happy.

Paul Snatchko said...

Thanks, Fran! Hope you had a great birthday a few days back!
