Friday, May 23, 2008

Servant of God

This post shows how much of a Catholic nerd I am, but ...

Below is the video of the Mass at the Church of St. Paul the Apostle in Manhattan after which New York's archbishop, Cardinal Edward Egan, opened the cause for canonization of Father Isaac Hecker, founder of the Paulists.

It was on this day in January that, in Catholic-speak, Isaac Hecker received the title "Servant of God."

Liturgy geeks unite:

(The cardinal's homily begins around 17:40 when he states that St. Paul's is "one of the great parishes" of the world.)


Casey said...

What happened to Thursday? I thought you'd def. put something Catholic-y in here letting us know what the day was.

I personally have no clue, but I know we had the day off because it was Fronleichnam. We also had a Monday off last week, but I think that was Pentecost or something . . .

Catholics have the best holidays.

Paul Snatchko said...

Ah ... difference in calendar observance by the U.S. and German churches ...

Your holiday in Germany on Thursday was Corpus Christi (see my post for today, Sunday).

The Catholic Church in the United States just moves that same holiday to the following Sunday. The Germans observe it on its traditional day.

Casey said...

If I were you, I'd lobby it. Holidays on Thursdays are the best. They turn the Wednesday into a Friday, the Thursday into a Saturday, followed by a real Friday and Saturday. Couldn't get any better than that . . .