Muchas gracias!
A Concord Pastor was nominated by Deacon Greg who was selected by Deacon Scott Drudge who was affirmed by A Roman Catholic Convert who was given the shout-out by the okie-booklady who was saluted by Book Bird Dog -- and the list could continue.
Part of the award involves my selection of five new blog awardees. According to the good pastor, "The best thing about this award is that there's no voting - bloggers just hand it on to others whom they qualify as bloggers 'with great attitude and gratitude.'"
So, here are my picks:
Googling God
The Parish Blog of St. Edward the Confessor
Carolina Politics Online
Travel with a Beveridge
Wish I could have chosen more! See my links lists at left for many other great blogs and Websites.
I am so deeply grateful! Thank you for this, I really am surprised and delighted.
Follow up coming soon!
Done at last!Again, thank you!
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