Sunday, December 13, 2009

Third Sunday

Today is the Third Sunday of Advent or "Gaudete Sunday."

On this day, we light the pink or rose-colored candle on the Advent wreath. It's a marker on our Advent journey that reminds us to "rejoice!" as we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child anew this Christmas.

To aid in our rejoicing, let's turn to the ACM Gospel Choir for a hymn:

Over at There Will Be Bread, Fran provides us "Gaudete" by Libera for this joyful Sunday:

Flashbacks: Gaudete Sundays 2008, 2007 and 2006.


Fran said...

Thanks for the link - and I love that other video. Perhaps I should not be so forward to say this, but I did write something else today, so come on over and have a look if you wish.

Joy for us all as we continue on the way to meet the Lord who is already among us.

Mariette said...

Paul, thank you for the Gaudete video. I love the group Libera, but this song is not on the CD I have.