Steve's win is proof positive that democratic elections can indeed make substantial change from time to time -- party registration advantages be damned. Many prayers go out to Steve as he embarks on the transition from candidate to elected official.
Thank you to all those candidates who put their names on the ballot. Your candidacies are part of what makes our democratic republic work.
A special thank you to Mike Neville, who ran a very strong race for Washington County commissioner. Thank you, Mike, for the years of time, energy and funds you put into your campaign.
With the 2007 elections behind us, full attention can now be paid to the '08 Presidential primaries coming up in just a few months. Earlier this evening -- still having that Election Day itch -- I attended a debate and straw poll hosted by the New York City Young Republicans at the Metropolitan Republican Club on the Upper East Side. YRs spoke on behalf of the various candidates on the major issues of the day.
Texas Congressman Ron Paul won the straw poll with 26 votes. He bested former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani who received 21 votes. Arizona Senator John McCain, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee all trailed the front runners with single digit vote totals. (Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson did not even have a representative speak at the event.)
You had to be a dues-paying member of the YRs to vote in the straw poll. Dues were $35 -- a large enough amount, I think, to give the straw poll some credibility.
1 comment:
Paul's campaign received nearly $5 million from a netroot-organized one-day blitz. And yet, he still can't make headway in national polls.
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