Monday, December 11, 2006

Problems with the Machines?

There recently have been several items in the local media about the 2006 General Election performance of the new touch-screen voting machines:

Dave Brown had an article in last Tuesday's Tribune-Review coming out of an Allegheny County Elections Board meeting with citizen complaints about vote "flipping."

Bill Toland at the Post-Gazette also has been reporting on these complaints. Here is an article he co-wrote with Jerome L. Sherman in last Tuesday's P-G about the same Elections Board meeting and a public hearing of a National Institute of Standards and Technology advisory committee.

Barbara Miller has a story in today's O-R about the equipment at the Washington County Elections Office used to tabulate precinct results and what caused the long delay to get the county's results on November 7. (It also includes AP background on the NIST committee hearing.)

(Photos above from

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