Friday, May 01, 2020

COVID-19 Diary: Day 49

Dear Old Blog,

A few days ago, the father of my friend Helena died.

Helena wrote in a Facebook post:
"The worst thing about losing someone to this virus is it robs you of the ability to mourn properly. There’s no bedside goodbyes or kisses to let your loved one know they’re not alone and somehow, that makes it feel less real. So this is my attempt at closure. It’s been a few days and I experience moments of complete normalcy mixed with waves of intense grief. I’m completely heartbroken and so unbelievably angry. I’d give anything to have you call me to ask what time the Yankees are playing today or to hear “madoneeee” just one more time. RIP Dad. I miss you."
I pray that Helena's dad, and all those who have died, are now in God's warm embrace.

I pray, as well, for Helena, her family and all those around the world who are now mourning the death of a loved one.

"Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted." (Mt 5: 4)


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