Thursday, March 26, 2020

COVID-19 Diary: Day 13

Dear Old Blog,

During most times of national crisis, there are good ways to volunteer.

But, in this time of COVID-19, the current best way to help (for someone with no medical experience) seems to be to just stay home — and help stop the spread of the virus.

From the couch, there is one way to help, of course. And that's opening up the wallet.

Here are the three worthy organizations to which I've donated this week:

Actor's Fund

Washington Health System Foundation (in my native Washington County, Pennsylvania)

NYU Student Emergency Relief (my alma mater)

These donations were not large. But, I hope to do more. As Thornton Wilder said in "The Matchmaker":

"Money is like manure; it's not worth a thing unless it's spread around encouraging young things to grow.”


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