At 1:31 p.m. today, my brother, Joe, and sister-in-law, Erin, welcomed their second child and first daughter.
Annabella Jean Snatchko entered the world at 6.7 pounds and 18.5 inches long. She arrived just two days before the third birthday of her big brother, Aiden.
Annabella is a new first cousin for Ethan, Mariah, Brayden and John Ross.
Welcome to our world, Annabella! May the Holy Spirit always be your guide.
An aside: It appears 2011 will be a year of many new arrivals.
In addition to the birth of my new niece, I know six women (five friends and one co-worker) who are expecting. And, in the past fortnight, another co-worker and his wife adopted a one-month-old boy.
Please keep these all of little ones, and their parents, in your prayers.
1 comment:
Beautiful photo Uncle Paul - hope you are on the roster for baby sitting and know lots of lullabies.
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