Thursday, November 05, 2009

Championships Abound

This morning, it occurred to me how great a year it has been for professional sports Between The ‘Burgh and The City.

Teams from Pittsburgh won both the Superbowl and the Stanley Cup. And, last night, one of the teams of my adopted city won Major League Baseball’s World Series. (Way to go, Yanks!)

Three championships in one year for this modest blog's coverage area. Not bad at all.

Yesterday evening, I was at the young adult Mass at St. Patrick’s Cathedral during the early innings of the Yankees game. At the end of Mass, Archbishop Timothy Dolan jokingly observed that the Phillies fan may want to stop by the cathedral’s statue of Saint Jude.

An aside from the world of sports: On Friday, The New York Times again ran a long feature on the Avella High School Eagles football team. The piece referenced the long-suffering Eagles’ recent surprise victory over that of my alma mater, Fort Cherry High School.

The NYT photo above is credited to Chang W. Lee. Caption: "Mariano Rivera, who got the final five outs, holding the trophy as the Yankees celebrated their first title in nine years. For Rivera and three teammates, it was their fifth championship with the team."

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